Heavy Construction Equipment Parts Wood County Ohio2018-03-06T21:46:46+00:00

Heavy Construction Equipment Parts Wood County Ohio

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Companies in and around Philadelphia know that when looking for JLG T350 Parts, EQSLLC.Com is the one to call! But did you know that Equipment Services LLC is the #1 provider of heavy equipment parts in Wood County, Ohio and neighboring areas. Despite what you may think there’re quite a few reasons why EQSLLC.Com is the best choise for heavy equipment parts in Wood County, OH. For more than twenty years has been the company to go to for not only servicing construction equipment but also rental. They deal with everything from telehandlers to scissor lifts . When it comes to heavy equipment parts in the Wood County area EQSLLC.Com  is the one for you. And when you require parts for your heavy equipment, do not settle for anything less than authentic parts. There are various classes of equipment parts available out there and you are better off buying authentic parts rather than replicas that are typically inferior.

New & Used Heavy Equipment And Or Construction Equipment Wood County Parts OH

Is not the you have bad luck but your heavy construction equipment is likely fail when it is need it the most. In many instances it is difficult to know for sure what is the cause. In this cases, EQSLLC.Com experience with repairs can be a great asset. Did you know that good maintenance can help avoid construction equipment downtime? And it won’t matter if your machine is brand new or used. They all require good maintenance for them to function as flawlessly as expected for a long period of time. Regular maintenance can do so much. It will surely save you a lot of effort and money on downtime. Imagine how much loss you’ll have to take if the heavy equipment fails to work. The project will be postponed, and that means a lot of overhead or opportunity costs for you to cover.

Consistently invest in construction equipment maintenance. It’s always more costly to buy different replacement parts that may not always resolve the issue. Any well-maintained construction machine is considered as a reliable workhorse. You could rely on it to provide results when you require it the most. If you notice any problem with your construction equipment, talk with a qualified technician immediately. Any small problem, when disregarded, could transform into your worst nightmare. If your project fully relies on the heavy equipment to complete the job, then you must make sure that you know of any problems seen in it. Keep in mind that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If by any chance you never heard of about Equipment Services LLC we ask that you take a look at our blog.

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How to keep your construction equipment secure

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Theft of construction equipment is quickly becoming one of the most lucrative markets for criminals. When your construction equipment is stolen, you face a major loss. When construction equipment is stolen off of your job site, you face losing not only the high value of the machine, but also progress on your job site. The setback will cost you a lot of money.

Just about every construction site is exposed to the risk construction equipment theft poses. Theft is common in most areas. Misplacement of machinery can also happen simply because of crew changes and miscommunications. Searching for your missing machine is costly, delays projects, ruins the efficient utilization of personnel, and can make costs unsustainable. In order to avoid the pain of losing equipment, it is important that you manage risk of equipment loss due to theft.

In order to avoid theft, you must consider your jobsite. When you start a project, take a look at the site and decide how you plan on storing equipment at night and when the job is on hold. Awareness of the site will significantly reduce the risk of theft.

Holidays and weekends are prime time for construction equipment theft. In order to combat this regular occurrence, make sure to have your job site monitored during holidays and weekends. You can use a security guard to do this or you can have a security system equipped with video monitoring installed at your site. If your site is monitored, any suspicious activity can be caught and the police will be notified immediately, which increases the chances that your equipment will be located.

Another way to boost security is to require identification for equipment operators and those applying to rent. Thorough background checks should always be carried out before someone is allowed to use machinery. Once that background check has been completed, identification should be required to confirm that this is in fact the person you allowed to use the machinery.

While it is a hefty investment, tracking devices will ensure you always know where your equipment is. You will be able to track down the equipment once it has been stolen. You will also be able to confirm it is still at the jobsite from online, thanks to the telematics technology available today.

If you fall prey to fraud or theft, be sure to notify the police immediately. They can likely help you avoid being targeted later on. Any information you give them will likely help them solve your case.

It is easy for criminals to steal construction equipment. Most equipment looks and operates the same. There are barely any identifying factors, so differentiating your piece of equipment could help you find out it if it is stolen. On top of the similarity of appearance, most machines also have universal keys, lack license plates, and do not have standardized product ID numbers. The resale value is high and the equipment can even be used by the thief for a side job. If you do not take the above steps to keep it safe, you will likely be the next victim of construction equipment theft in your area.

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