Construction Equipment Rental in or near Telford PA2017-12-24T20:53:44+00:00

Heavy & Construction Equipment Rental in and near Telford PA

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Seeking for a reliable a Heavy and Construction Equipment Rental Company in Telford PA. We offer a wide range of construction equipment ranging from Chery Picker to Generators from JLG, Genie, Lull, Bil-Jax, Skytrak, Gradall, Case, John Deere and much more.

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Construction Equipment Rental in or near Telford PA

If you are looking construction equipment rental and repair in Telford PA, you are at the correct place. Even with the economy seem to be improving the construction business doesn’t seem to be a solid ground not just yet! For this reason renting the construction equipment your company needs, makes a lot of sense. If the construction equipment you already own is in need of maintenance we can help that too.

EQS LLC., is a heavy and construction equipment service company in PA, with clients all the way to Delaware and Ohio. We are one of the leading heavy equipment companies in the area offering upkeep, restorating, maintenance, rental and transportation of construction equipment. We work with all the popular models of machinery in the business; so whether you need to rent, repair, refurbish or transport a piece of heavy equipment, we’re the guys for the job. We have been in the business for a long time and we continue to invest in our facilities, tools, equipment, and technician training to provide the best possible service to our valued customers. We are dedicated to providing the best value and response time to keep your heavy and construction equipment serviced, well maintained, and running efficiently to help you perform the greatest job possible for your customers. Please consider EQS for your next equipment maintenance or refurbishing.

At Equipment Services LLC., we know that when searching for Construction Equipment Rental in Scranton, PA you have options. That is why when you contact EQS LLC., we will be respectful of your time and get you the best price for the heavy equipment you are seeking to rent! Even if you’re not ready to make a decision today we invite to go through our blog and get more details on the heavy equipment you are looking for to overhaul.

See the Latest Equipment in Telford PA

Best 8000 lb Telehandler

equipment rental Reading PA

Telehandler rental customers in today’s society are offered many options, which can be both a blessing and a curse. While there is often an option for each possible need, the variety telehandler for rent with many makes and models can make it hard to choose a machine. When searching for the right telehandler to rent, it is important to look at the specifications of each machine in comparison to what you need for your job. You want to find the best fit at the lowest price, as this is how you get the most bang for your buck.

One of the many characteristics that are detrimental to renting a telehandler is the working height. You cannot accomplish a task at 50 feet if your telehandler only reaches 48 feet. When comparing the 8,000 Lb SkyTrak telehandler and Genie telehandlers, the working heights are actually quite similar. The Genie telescopic forklift has a maximum lift height of 43 feet and 10 inches. The maximum lift height for a SkyTrak telescopic forklift is only slightly lower at 41 feet 11 and inches. If you need the extra 2 feet, opt for the Genie. If this difference does not seem significant to your job, it is important that you closely examine more characteristics to find exactly what your needs are for your next job.

Similar to the lift height, you also need to make sure the telehandler you choose has an adequate horizontal reach distance. The Genie telehandler has a horizontal reach of 27 feet, while the SkyTrak has a horizontal reach of approximately 26 feet 7 inches. If you try to reach beyond these distances, you run the risk of toppling over or putting excessive stress on the machine and potentially damaging it. This is extremely dangerous as it can result in injury and even fatality. To stay safe during your job, make sure you choose the 8,000 pound telehandler with a reach distance that meets your needs.

A less important factor that you may want to consider is speed. The drive speed for the Genie telehandler is 15 miles per hour. The maximum travel speed for the SkyTrak is 19 miles per hour. The SkyTrak telehandler lift speed is 15 seconds and the lower speed is 13 seconds. It telescopes in at 14 seconds and out at 17 seconds. The Genie has a lift speed of 15 seconds and a lower speed of 11 seconds. The Genie telescopes in at 18 seconds and out at 14 seconds. As you can see, the SkyTrak moves at a faster pace when traveling. It also moves faster when in use. Therefore, if you value speed you should opt for the SkyTrack model over the Genie model.

The SkyTrak machine weights 22,600 pounds. The Genie weights slightly less than the SkyTrak at about 22,500 pounds. If you are looking for a lighter machine, you should choose the Genie. Lighter weight could mean easier transport and better fuel economy.

If you are interested in finding the right 8,000 pound telehandler and seek further assistance, feel free to contact the experts here at Equipment Services. We will be happy to walk you through the process to ensure that you find a telehandler that meets all of your needs for your next job.

Telford PA Heavy Equipment Rental & Service

For over a decade EQS have been know as to go to shop for everything from Container Handlers to Generators, but keep in mind that Equipment Services LLC., is one of the top rated service shops for heavy equipment in the Telford PA area! At EQS we also pride ourselves in the large inventory of heavy equipment parts available from out parts department. When it comes to services here are some of the most popular.